Bibliotherapy: Awareness and Use among Medical Library Workers in Ogbomoso

  • Olajide John Abiola Ladoke Akintola University of Technology Teaching Hospital, Ogbomoso, Oyo State, Nigeria (NG)
  • Adebola Aderemi Olatoye The Nigerian Baptist Theology Seminary, Ogbomoso, Oyo State, Nigeria (NG)
Keywords: Bibliotherapy, Depression, Books, Medical library, Library Staff

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The concept of bibliotherapy draws upon various academic fields, such as medicine, literary criticism, librarianship, and psychology, to promote the use of reading as a therapeutic tool. This study aimed to explore the extent to which medical library workers are aware of and utilize bibliotherapy. Using a descriptive survey design, the study employed Slovin's formula and simple random sampling to select 24 respondents from a population of 45 medical library workers. The findings revealed that the medical library workers had a good understanding of bibliotherapy. Therefore, it is recommended that they should be equipped with the necessary skills to provide bibliotherapy services, and given the opportunity to practice it.


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How to Cite
Abiola, O. J., & Olatoye, A. A. (2023). Bibliotherapy: Awareness and Use among Medical Library Workers in Ogbomoso. JINAV: Journal of Information and Visualization, 4(1), 99-107.