Application of Data Mining in FP Growth Algorithm to Determine Customer Purchasing Patterns of Geprek Chicken
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The FP-Growth data mining algorithm used in the study to determine customer shopping patterns at Ayam Geprek Purwokerto shop. Focusing on identifying repeat purchase events, this research aims to improve the marketing strategy and operational efficiency of Ayam Geprek Purwokerto shop. With an in-depth understanding of customer preferences and shopping habits, this research provides valuable insights for business owners in customizing menu offerings and layouts that can significantly increase sales. The results of this purchase analysis provide an in-depth understanding of consumer preferences and help determine the right course of action to improve Ayam Geprek Purwokerto's business. This study shows that using the FP-Growth algorithm to analyze customer buying patterns can significantly improve the efficiency and effectiveness of Ayam Geprek Purwokerto. By understanding common buying patterns, business owners can increase inventory design more effective promotion strategies, and improve customer satisfaction. The research shows that this can be a useful guide for business owners to create more targeted and effective marketing strategies to increase business. Thus, this research significantly increases the understanding of consumer shopping habits in the food industry, especially in the Ayam Geprek Purokerto shop.The results of this study are expected to be the basis for developing smarter and more effective marketing strategies to improve the competitiveness of food companies. In addition, this research encourages further use of data mining in optimizing inventory management and marketing strategies for the food industry.
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